Love Letter
You’re beautiful.
Like a wild animal
Is beautiful.
Like a storm
Is beautiful.
Like an old forest
Is beautiful.
Like an empty space
Is beautiful.
I’m ugly.
When I hunt you.
When I tame you.
When I deplete you.
When I crowd you.
Please, forgive me
For I know not
What I am doing.
Your freedom terrifies me.
Kluczę wokół
Ścian z kamienia
Jak złodziej,
Jak morderca.
Palcem przeciągam
Po nierównościach.
Twoja skóra pokryta jest
Ostrymi przedmiotami.
Odłamki szkieł i luster,
Noże i sztylety
Wyrastają z niej
Ostrzami do góry.
Ktoś kiedyś musiał
Je w Ciebie wbić.
Czy istnieje jakaś
Magiczna formuła?
Czy któreś z tych ostrzy
To ukryta dźwignia?
Gdy za nie pociągnę
Twoja zbroja zniknie.
Na koniec będziemy żyli
Długo i szczęśliwie.
Nie wiem.
Nie dowiem sie.
Obejmuję Cię.
Twoje ostrza
Wsuwają się w moje ciało,
Mieszają we wnętrznościach
‘To prawie nie boli,’ myślę.
Krew wycieka ze mnie
Jak z węża ogrodowego
Woda, po tym jak ktoś
Zakręci już kurek.
Nie ma w tym patosu.
Nie ma zaskoczenia.
Jest tylko nieuniknione
Następstwo wydarzeń.
Ty odwracasz się do mnie
I patrzysz zdziwiony.
- Nikt nigdy nie podszedł tak blisko.
Jeszcze myślisz że może
Powinieneś mi pomóc.
Nie ma jednak potrzeby
Się o to kłopotać.
Ta chwila brawury
Właśnie kosztuje mnie życie.
Głupio tak umierać
Ale nie żałuję.
Koło siebie czuję
Twoje serce
- Jednak bije.
Silent lessons
You see them
Cooking favourite meals
Of your cousins, uncles, fathers
And cleaning after.
You hear them
Talking only about the men
In your family.
Or about your men.
You feel them collapse
When they hear
You’ve lost him once again
As if you have failed.
You are praised
When you behave like a son
But even more so
When you bring one home.
You see them beam
Under the male gaze.
And you hear
Their malicious comments
About other women
Doing the same.
You disappoint them.
They don’t understand.
“Why do you let men
Treat you this way?
Why do you let them have you
Whenever they can?”
I only do
What you have taught me.
I am a woman.
I live for men.”
You use me
Like a piece of plastic.
Convenient and disposable.
Invisible waste.
Single-use packaging
Of perishable goods.
And I was made
To last millenia.
I am durable
And resilient.
I could serve you
Till you’re dead.
Stronger than any other
Light and portable.
So convenient
That you almost forget
That it’s there.
But always at hand
When you need it.
I am all that.
And you throw it away.
A Different Woman
The woman you’ve met last year
Died hours ago.
In her place
A new one was born.
This one is not afraid of losing you
As she is not here to have you.
She wears her open wounds
As the most exquisite gown.
This woman cut the net
The other one was weaving
To catch you.
‘My man’
‘My saviour’
‘My destroyer’
- She doesn’t want any of that.
All she wants
Is to cover the cracks in your skin
With her balm.
Moisten your surface
Parched from the scorching heat
Of everyone else.
This woman doesn’t need you to fill her.
She is full already.
She has so much to give
It’s all falling through her hands,
Rolling under your feet.
You can pick it up
Or leave it where it landed.
It is going to sprout either way.
This woman is yearning for you
Only with the sweetest of yearnings.
- The one as old as Life itself.
At night, you will lie in her bed
And she will put a kiss on your back,
Sealing her promise -
That she will never blame you
For not getting what she deserves.
Nobody ever does,
That’s the Law of this universe.
But there is nothing more endearing
Than seeing her attempts.
Krótka historia naszej znajomości
Nie ma Cię,
Nie ma,
Nie ma
The Other Half
There must have been a mistake
When I was being formed
How else do you explain the fact
That I was born without skin?
My flesh bare
My insides exposed
Every feeling
Every thought of mine
On display
Like on a butcher’s counter
Under the touch
You can trace
The electric pathways
Of pain and pleasure (I can’t tell the difference)
Running through my body
Like cars on a highway
I have always thought myself to be
An abomination
A mutant
I have always thought -
I don’t belong in this world
How happy it made me
To have found you -
A man without insides
Consisting only of skin
Skin covering your body
Outside and in
And underneath it -
Even more skin.
I can never tell
What you think or feel.
- You fit me like a glove.
Pain and scars
You don’t know how to hurt me yet.
But don’t worry, my dear.
I will show you how.
I will take you by the hand,
Give you a tour around the grounds.
Here - the valley of my desperation.
There - the mountains of my pain.
The valley is nicely cool
During your disappearances.
The mountains offer an unforgettable view
When you are near.
And do you see that meandering ribbon over there?
That is the river of my sorrow.
It tends to overflow at the beginning of spring,
Full after a winter of regrets.
You could have a swim if you want.
The water is cold and sobering,
Like a person who has lost all hope.
And now - give me your hand.
Touch here. Do you feel?
I am tracing for you my old scars.
Showing you where to dig under my skin.
Take this knife.
And cut wherever you like.
Leave your own marks on me.
Something to come back to
Once you are gone.
So, do you like it?
Now you know what I’m made of.
Pain and scars.
This should be enough to get around,
And have some fun.
And what’s behind that door, you ask?
That door? I don't know.
No one has ever bothered to open it.
Tonight, you came to me in my dream again.
You held me in your arms for so, so long.
So long that it almost didn’t feel real.
(And it wasn’t.)
And then - you kissed me
With your sweet soft lips.
Your lips always feel so fragile and innocent,
As if each time they kiss
They were kissing for the first time.
You kissed me once.
And then again.
And then - once more.
Your tenderness felt overwhelming
But at the same time - natural.
As if you have always treated me this way.
I like it how in dreams
I can become that someone to you
That I will never be.
And that you become that someone to me
Only in my dreams.
The song of me
I open my veins and squeeze the blood out into a cup for you.
(The hardest part is afterwards - stopping the bleeding).
You said you were thirsty.
I cut my tongue, my heart and my stomach out and cook a stew for you.
(It smells delicious - such a shame that now I cannot taste.)
You said you were hungry.
I peel the skin off my arms and chest and make a blanket for you.
(The worst pain comes later - when you hug me.)
You said you were cold.
I am your mother when you need care.
I am your priestess when you need god.
I am your whore when you need to forget.
I lick your body clean when you’re dirty.
I cover it with kisses when you’re sad.
I sing songs for you when you are bored,
And I disappear whenever you wish for that.
I don’t give because you deserve it.
I give because I know nothing else.